Cut & Thirst by Margaret Atwood

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About The Book 📚

Title: Cut & Thirst

Author: Margaret Atwood

Publication Date: May 1, 2024

Publisher: Amazon Original Stories

Genre: Short Story

Pages: 35

Cut & Thirst is included in Amazon Original Stories, which publishes short stories many of which are free for Prime members. I have “borrowed” 10 selections and it looks like that is the max. When I try to add another it says “To borrow this title, please select a title to return”.

› I won’t say much, as this short story is only 35 pages long. Cut & Thirst is a fun and quick read about three retired professors, Myrna, Leonie, and Chrissy, who get together to discuss how they can avenge the stress that was caused to their fourth friend Fern.

› “The cut and thirst!”
“Cut and thirst?” says Myrna.
“I like that,” says Leonie. “First you murder someone and then you need a drink.”

In the past I have given a rating out of ten and converted that to a star rating, but I’m no longer giving a star rating here on my blog. I will continue to do that on Goodreads and The Story Graph.

› Final Thoughts
Cut & Thirst is an entertaining story about aging, friendship, and loyalty.

 Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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